Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Last week of online Summer Card Camp

I am really bummed about this being the last week of Summer Card Camp. Going to try to keep the card making momentum going. May even try to make one more card with this color combo before the weekend. I am so glad I signed up for this online class. If there is something you have thought about doing but were hesitant to try just jump on in. I think you will be glad you did.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Week 3 Card Color Challenge

Loved making this card. Had the idea right away when I viewed the colors. Sketched it out. Got it done last night.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Online Summer Card Camp Week 2

I got an earlier start on my card for this week. Decided not to make it, photograph it and upload it a few hours before the Sunday deadline like I did this past week. Not that a little creative pressure isn't good once in awhile.

I really enjoyed making this card. I'm really proud of my hand drawn ants. That was a brave move for me.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Summer Camp Color Challenge Week 1

I am taking my first online crafting class this summer! I created a card for the first week color challenge submission. I think this is going to be fun and get me crafting more often.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Stamping with leaves

Stamp club recently did a project where we stamped with leaves and other natural items. It was fun and I was pretty happy with the results.

I painted the leaves with craft acrylic paint and just pressed it to the glossy cardstock. Only took a minute to dry. I then brayered on Ranger Adirondack inks.

The middle one was just a tip of an evergreen branch I had pressed into the inkpad. Think I am going to turn it into a holiday card. I love how the branch looks like trees. Makes me think of winter.

Great find at Tuesday Morning

Was thrilled to find these dessert plates at Tuesday Morning recently. They didn't have any "L" so I went with the "D".

Monday, July 20, 2009

Harbor Fest 2009

One of the major reasons I was happy about visiting Charleston was that my visit coincided with Harbor Fest which is a celebration of the tall ships. Something I have always wanted to see. Guess you could say they were on my "bucket list". It was so hot and sunny that day but worth it. I took so many pics. You could sail on the ships but most of the trips were sold out. You could also go aboard and tour the ships but the lines were so long I didn't try. I bought a great turquoise hat as a souvenier and because it was so hot I was shading my face. Plus it matched my purse and sunglasses.

The guys hanging in the mast sing and perform but I didn't see that.
I loved the yellow Romanian ship. It was one of the largest. There were ships from Uruguay, Russia, The Netherlands, Germany, France and Romania there. There was a Connecticut coast guard ship. I happened to catch an officer leaving the ship.

The pics speak for themselves.